Cal Football: QB Chandler Rogers talks early playing days, goals, and more

Chandler Rogers, Cal Football, California Golden Bears, Cal Berkeley, The League Winners

In an exclusive interview with The League Winners, Cal Football QB Chandler Rogers speaks about his football career and Cal’s 2024 season.

Cal Football transfer Chandler Rogers is excited about playing for a new program in Cal football heading into 2024. In an exclusive interview with The League Winners, quarterback Rogers discusses his early playing days to now suiting up for the Golden Bears.

Rogers spoke about how he got into football after watching his dad play for LSU in the mid-90s.

“I kind of just really wanted to follow my dad’s footsteps. My dad played at LSU from ’93 to ’96. For the longest [time] he wouldn’t want me to play football because of just how physical the game was; and he played linebacker so he was in the trenches all the time. He would get hit every play. So he wanted me to play soccer first then baseball, basketball, and I ran track. Football was the last one I played. Just because when it came to football he wanted to make sure it was something I wanted to do because of how he grew up and how he felt about the game. He was like this isn’t “play play” this is a grown man’s sport.”

When asked what age he got into football, the senior quarterback had this to say.

“I got into football when I was around seven. I started with flag [football] and then like two or three games later I was in pads hitting. It just came naturally. I started on the defensive side of the ball [and] I thought I was going to be like the next Patrick Peterson or something.

I remember I met Patrick Peterson, it was his last college game at the Cotton Bowl and my dad’s a former player for LSU so we were able to meet players and get behind the scene access, and I walked up to him and said, ‘I’m going to be the next you.’ It’s kind of coincidental because my first football number I ever wore was seven and it was because of Patrick Peterson and this year I’m wearing seven. So it’s kind of coincidental.”

Texas is known for having the best high school football in the nation and Rogers details what it was like.

“I mean it’s the best of the best, it’s the cream of the crop. The facilities to the game atmosphere. I mean, I’m in Friday Night Lights playing in front of 10,000, 11,000, 12,000 fans in high school. I remember I played against DeSoto and it was a sold-out game on a Thursday and it was max capacity – I believe there were 13,000 fans or so. It prepares you for the next level … for college, and then college prepares you for the pros. I’m used to playing against the top competition, so just stepping up and playing in a power conference really isn’t anything that I’m worried about.”

The quarterback was asked about if there was a certain moment to play where he knew he could play at the next level.

“There’s two moments I would say; the first one when I knew I was good was the last game of the season. It was win or go home and the winner gets to the playoffs. It came down to me and my high school against Waxahachie. At the time they had Jalen Reagor and Kenedy Snell, two TCU commits at the time and I had seven touchdowns; and I was [only] 14.

The second moment was against DeSoto. I threw a game-winner, and coach let me call the play … If I go back and think about it, I don’t know why I threw this ball, I just threw it. It was my receiver, Keelan.

Keelan was really fast, I mean he ran like a 10.4, 10.5 100 (meter dash), and it was a cover-2, and it was just a go-ball. The safety was way off the hash, I’m really not supposed to throw this, but at that moment I’m like, it was just one of those throws, it was like perfect. That was at the time, my career high for passing yards; 435 (yards) against DeSoto. At the time they were like the No. 17 in the nation at the time. So, like after that and knowing the tradition of DeSoto and how many great players they have, going through there, and going through there now, I knew I could really really be dominant at the next level.”

Rogers then described what it was like at his games when it came to be recruited by schools.

“There would be scouts at every game, coaches come to practice. I remember I had Indiana come to a walk-through practice the day before a game. They came to the game later on and just being able like I said, playing against the best of the best, you’re going to have a lot of people watching. You’re going to have the eyes, you’re going to be under a microscope.

Recruitment for me was a little slow due to the fact that I was sharing time with Jason Bean who’s now playing for the Colts. We were just two good quarterbacks and it was hard to just play one and not the other because we were both really effective. It worked out really well for us.

I received interest from big schools; there was a point in time I talked to Alabama, I talked to LSU, I talked to Baylor, I mean it really came down to my senior year when I was really really dominant, they already had their commits, so at the time my biggest offer was Southern Miss, so I took it and I ran with it.”

When asked about the transfer portal and choosing Cal, Rogers had this to say.

“[The] transfer portal was crazy this go around. I mean, from the moment I entered [the portal] I was receiving phone calls like two seconds later. The notifications – my phone was blowing up left and right. It was about like 40 schools within 12 hours.

I chose Cal [because for] one, because it’s California Berkeley. The education is the number one institution in America. So, getting that education from there is really important and it hold a lot of weight.

The next thing I would say is the relationships. I already have [a relationship] with the coaches going through the recruitment process the year before, so I knew the kind of men I would be around, the people I would be around. They really have great resources on and off the field. I knew the scheme I would come into, I know my talents, and the people coming back. They have a lot of returning production; it’s a really great team to be on, and I’m happy that I’m here.”

The Bay Area and Texas are polar opposites on just about everything. The quarterback describes what it’s like being in the Bary Area so far.

“The Bay Area is a little bit tricky. One thing I do appreciate is the weather at times. My first four months it rained like almost every day. So I mean it was like it’s sunshine every day, and I was like nah that’s not sunshine every day; but during the summer I really appreciate it because it wasn’t a 100 degrees like Texas. My favorite spot I would say is San Jose, just a really great place to go relax and just go out and do stuff, so it’s been fun.”

The Bay Area has a ton of professional sports teams and Rogers was asked it he has been to any games yet.

“I tried to go to a Warriors game, [and I] couldn’t go. I want to go to a Giants game because I like baseball and I want to go see their stadium, but I really haven’t had the opportunity to go see professional games yet – but I’m going to.”

Head coach Justin Wilcox has talked numerous times about the competition for the starting quarterback spot between Chandler Rogers and Fernando Mendoza. Rogers was asked how he prepares physically and mentally for their battle.

“Mentally just continuing to watch film, always drawing up plays, just making sure that I’m prepared mentally so when I go out there and practice I perform at a high-level. And just worrying about myself, worry about what I need to do.

You know I played a lot of football so I know the ebbs and flows. I know the game, I know when things are going to happen. Just having that understanding and maturity really helps me a long way in games and practice as well.

Physically you know maintaining my weight, continuing to get faster, continuing to get a stronger arm, working on my body you know your body is how you make your money. You know as long as you’re available your coach is always going to play you. Always maintaining my strength; you know I’m not the biggest guy so I know that I have to be strong, you know I’m not a 6 [foot] 6 [inches] guy, I’m not. I don’t have a problem with it either because you got to catch me. But, just making sure I’m prepared every way possible about what I need to do to take care of business.”

When asked about his relationship with Fernando Mendoza, the senior had this to say.

“It’s positive. It’s never been negative at all, there’s no negative comments. We support each other throughout, you know we also if we see something in practice or meetings you know we’ll talk about it. You know just trying to help each other get better.”

Mike Bloesch, in his first season as offensive coordinator, was previously at North Texas just like Chandler Rogers. Rogers talks about having a relationship with Bloesch prior to coming to Cal.

“Yes, he was trying to recruit me to North Texas before he went to Cal. Him being the coordinator made it even easier to come.”

When asked about Bloesch’s offensive system and how it plays to his strengths, Rogers had this to say.

“With his system being able to establish the run up front, running it, taking shots off of play action, different route combinations just from the outside over to the slots. We’re going to attack the field horizontally and vertically, so I mean it really doesn’t matter what he calls. It’s going to be very effective for us and my play style.

I’ve already shown that I’m a great passer, that I can throw the deep ball, that I can throw the quick game, that I can really throw any route in the book, and then you add my running ability, it just opens everything up.”

On if he likes what he’s seeing so far out of the spring practices and watching film so far, the quarterback likes what he sees. He also mentions his favorite play to run so far.

“Yes. Yes, I really enjoy playing with these guys. They’re fun to be around, a lot of fun to play with. And just going into camp, I’m much more comfortable with the personnel around me. I know what they can do, and it’s just fine tuning the things we need to work on in order for us to be a great offense. End reverse Y-Cross.

Quarterbacks need to have a good understanding of what the defense is trying to accomplish. Chandler Rogers discusses which defenses he like to attack.

“Quarters, you know the safeties trigger off the number two so you can high-low the safety. Another one that I’ve seen a lot since high school is the three double cloud with the middle safety like the robber look. At the end of the day it’s still cover-3 so you know the seams going to be open, you got the bit between the linebackers and the flats as well so those are two really coverages that I really know how to attack very well.”

Cal now joins the ACC after being in the PAC-12 . Rogers is asked his thoughts on joining the ACC.

“Yeah it’s a great opportunity for us to you know showcase who we are as a team. This also help build the brand for California football as well. We’re not scared to play against great teams.

Cal has always played against great teams; USC, Washington, Oregon, UCLA at times you know just to name a few so I mean it’s really not anything new to play against great competition. It’s just welcoming new teams and building our brand, showcasing who we are to the whole on a national stage. The Pac-12 [was] tough just not being spotlight like that, so being in the ACC it really gives us a chance to be in the spotlight every game.”

The media have been talking about how much Cal will be travelling this season now that they’re in the ACC. Quarterback Chandler Rogers details how they’re preparing for all of the flying.

“I mean, there’s already been a plan in place before I was even here. It’s not the first time Cal has played in different time zones, so it’s just leave a day earlier like coach said and get a lot of food, a lot of Gatorade and water, and at the end of the day it’s football so just go out there [and play].”

When asked which game on the schedule he looks forward to the most, he had this to say.

“I’m just ready to get the first one rolling. But another [game] that I’m definitely looking forward to is Miami.”

Cal has always had nice uniforms. Now that they’re in the ACC, they decided to switch things up on that front. Rodgers shared his thoughts on the new jerseys.

“Yeah, I really enjoy the new jerseys. My favorite one is the all blue. It reminds me like the color rush look of the NFL, so I’m really looking forward to wearing that one. They feel great and they look really good.”

Cal has legitimate weapons on both side of the ball this season. Rogers was asked who he looks forward to watching the most.

“Definitely want to see what Jaydn [Ott] does in-game. I’ve seen it from the opposite sideline but just being next to him, I want to see that. I definitely want to see Mikey Matthews, definitely. He played as a true freshman at Utah. But Utah really doesn’t throw the ball like that, so him being in this offense, he can really explode.

On the defensive side of the ball, Miles Williams at safety and Marcus Harris at corner. Those are two really hard working guys that I’ve really grown close to at my time at Cal, so I’m looking forward to watching them play.”

NCAA 25 has taken the gaming and college football world by storm since its release. Rogers was asked if he plays the video game and what it’s like to play as yourself.

“Yes I have. It’s one of the coolest things in the world. Like, it’s real, [and] that’s me. And then [to] go crazy in the game, you’re like yeah, I’m cold.”

When asked what his goals for the upcoming season are, Rogers had this to say.

“One goal that I definitely want to accomplish as a passer is throw for 4,000 yards. The next one will be putting myself in a position to hear my name called when it comes to draft time and as well as just winning a championship with my team.”

Regarding his style of play and who he models his game after, he had this to say.

“The one I really watch right now is Lamar [Jackson] and Kyler [Murray]. I’ve been watching Kyler since he was in high school because I’m a Texas guy, but those two I definitely try to take from their game because they play at a high level.”

Chandler Rogers mentioned how he played multiple sports growing up. When asked if he has interest in other sports he detailed a couple.

“Another sport I like watching [is] definitely basketball. I enjoy watching basketball just because I played it and then it’s just really fun. If you can see LeBron [James] dunk on somebody – when he retires he’s going to be the GOAT. I don’t think that’ll be up for discussion anymore.

Another would be track. I also enjoy watching baseball. It’s a calm sport, very relaxing to me, I also miss playing it.”

Rogers was also asked if he was watching the Olympics, and which sports he was viewing.

“Yes, I did, I did. The thing I look forward to is track and field. Especially having a former classmate of mine I’ve known since second grade, Jasmine Moore, [in the event]. He’s competing in the jumping events. Sha’Carri Richardson [as well], you know just looking forward to seeing a lot of speed on that track.”

Speed kills and Rogers outlined who the fastest player is on the Golden bears.

“Right now I give that to Marcus Harris. He’s quick and fast.”

When asked who the most surprising player is on the team in terms of speed, Rogers gave a surprising answer.

“Mikey, yeah Mikey Matthews. His acceleration, the way he’s able to track the football it’s crazy. It’s just like he gets there he just turns into another [gear].”

Cal has a very rich history when it comes to being successful and having great players. Rogers was asked if he watches tape on any of the older teams.

“Yeah, I watched a couple of them from beast mode when he took the cart, that was hilarious. That’s probably like the most famous one. To me, you know, watching Aaron Rodgers, I mean I’ve been a big Aaron Rodgers fan so I’ve always watched him. Keenan Allen, DeSean Jackson, Nnamdi Asomugha, I didn’t even know he went to Cal until I saw his jersey up in the facility I was like he went here? I was like yeah I mean he was a great player.”

Chandler Rogers ended the interview with a message to Cal fans.

“Cal fans, I’m really grateful to be here. I’m happy to be here and I’m really looking forward to having a great season pursuing a championship.”

I root for teams that only let me down. Talking all things Las Vegas Raiders and Cal Bears football. Follow me on X where I post my dramatic takes.

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